Gavin sitting in hammock with his Jeep

Smiles Per Gallon

Bucket List

Ronald Reagan once said, ”If people don’t start buying Jeeps, they’ll never know about the great places in life they can drive to!” With this thought in my mind, I made the decision to buy a Jeep Wrangler; mostly because they are amazing and arguably the best vehicle ever to own. I have owned my jeep for slightly over 3 months, and it is has given me some of the most amazing, fun, and eye opening experiences I have ever had. In this short amount of time, I have learned a few things: Jeeps are not cheap, they are a ton of fun, and they are not just a car. Keep reading

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The World’s Most Famous Arch

Hiking Tips

AKA The Lady In The Pink Jumpsuit

Arches have been around since the dawn of time. The Gateway Arch in Saint Louis upon completion became the tallest man-made arch in the world. This modern masterpiece is built using engineering principles that are centuries old. As beautiful and magnificent as this engineering marvel is, it doesn’t compare to the arches found in nature. Built according to the design of the Creator and hewn with the tools of His trade, they stand as a testament to His handiwork. There are thousands of them the world over, but most fade in comparison to the one that is arguably the world’s most famous arch. Keep reading

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Arch in Utah

Why Utah?

LocationsUtah Trip

What makes Utah better than any other place in the world, like say, the Rocky Mountains or Florida Beaches? Why do you want to go hike in a hot barren, seemingly lifeless desert for three weeks? And enjoy it?!?! Keep reading

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Getting ready to hike up to Angel's Landing

Healing Through Hiking

From The Heart

Hiking provides a number of health benefits. Not just physically, but also mentally and spiritually. Our family became keenly aware of a specific benefit through personal experience a few years ago. We were planning a trip back in 2012 not unlike the trip we are planning right now. The boys had never been to visit the desert southwest that Randi and I had fallen in love with. They had heard us speak in glowing terms and excited tones of the grandeur that we had seen and very much wanted to see it for themselves. We planned a three-week RV trip to Utah for early May. Keep reading

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Quick Trip

LocationsTrail Mix

Last week Michael and I got the opportunity to make a quick trip to Pensacola to see the boys. And when I say quick, I mean we drove down Monday, spent Tuesday with the boys and my family, and drove back Wednesday. It was exhausting and wonderful at the same time. We basically crammed a full visit into one day and tried to see a little bit of everyone and do a little bit of everything. Keep reading

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